Thursday, February 21, 2019

America failing

Imploding perhaps.
All weekend, the president*'s defenders pounded away at McCabe's 60 Minutes interview as proof of the "deep state" conspiracy to undermine the administration*. On Tuesday, McCabe told Today that he had informed the so-called "Gang of Eight"—the bipartisan congressional intelligence chiefs—that he was launching the investigations and that none of them raised any objections.


The Gang of Eight is made up of the Democratic and Republican leadership in both houses of Congress, plus the chairman and ranking members of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees. In 2017, at the time McCabe requested the investigation, these would have included Senator Mitch McConnell, Speaker Paul Ryan, Richard Burr, and White House lawn ornament Devin Nunes from the House. According to McCabe, even Nunes didn't object to the investigation. This is just a bit astounding, considering the supine performance of congressional Republicans once the president* got sworn in.

They all know. That's the main thing. They all know and they've done nothing. Historians one day will fall out of their anti-gravity chairs.

  Charles P Pierce

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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