Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Somebody really needs to take away his TV time

Yeah, well, you didn't.  You have zero impulse control.  If you'd spend a little time making decisions and let other, capable people guide you, you wouldn't be in the messes you're in.

Too bad you can't seem to fire your way out of this one.

You create these situations for yourself.  Stop whining like a spoiled brat, ferfuxsake.  You're the president of the United States of America.  Act like it.

And, Trey Gowdy, et al., stop excusing this asshole like this is simply normal behavior for a president.  It's not, and we're going down the gutter in a rush along with him because the GOP and the media paper over his insanity and talk about him like he's not an insane, narcissistic, big baby son-of-a-bitch who puts the entire world at risk.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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