Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Please impeach this asshole

Personally, I don't know if I can take two more years, and I'm not feeling optimistic about the world.
“If we work hard between now and November, every one of these states can be flipped to a senator who shares our values and votes our agenda,” Trump said at an annual gala held by the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion group based in Washington.

Trump specifically called out three vulnerable Senate Democrats up for reelection in states he won in 2016: Heidi Heitkamp (N.D.), Jon Tester (Mont.) and Claire McCaskill (Mo.). He noted the three joined other Democrats in voting against a 20-week abortion ban earlier this year.

“We’re nine votes away from passing the 20-week abortion in the Senate, so we have to get out there [and vote],” Trump said.

But the president also riffed about the importance of the vote in November, comparing it to the 2016 election that saw him enter office.

"Your vote in 2018 is every bit as important as your vote in 2016," Trump started, reading from prepared remarks.

"Although I’m not really sure I believe that. I don’t know who the hell wrote that line," he quipped, adding, "but it’s still important."

  The Hill
We know he's an arrogant narcissist, but did he not fucking read his own speech before he read it publicly?

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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