Thursday, May 24, 2018

Posada Carriles is dead at 90

We never have truly reckoned with the miseries we brought upon the people of Central America during the 1980s—the slaughter of priests and nuns; the murder of Archbishop Oscar Romero, soon to be named a saint of the Roman Catholic Church; the unpunished drug-running; all the money and blood and treasure that we expended on the Reagan Administration’s paranoia that a dying Soviet Union was making imperial inroads in this half of the world.

(Remember Reagan’s worry about how close to Houston El Salvador was? That was a weird time. The last stand of the domino idiocy.)

Hell, Ollie North is still a public figure, warning Americans that Ritalin may be the cause of all these school shootings. But, at the very least, we should acknowledge our own complicity in those events and, every time a newspaper refers to Posada as a “militant” or a “hardliner,” refer to him in our own minds as the terrorist he was.

  Charles P Pierce
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Also, from YWA July 2013:

No longer.

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