Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Somebody please find some old Shark Week reruns to keep him occupied

I know why he's slamming Amazon - it's founder owns the Washington Post, but why is he slamming the post office?  "Bourne" by the American Taxpayer?  Is that Jason Bourne?

Jesus Christ.  The next time somebody tells me I ought to respect this asshole because he's the president, I'll be sure to show 'em this.

The "fact"?  Who told him that?  He'll fall for anything.  Or maybe he made it up himself.

And, "Little Jeff's" name is Zucker, Mr. Nasty-ass.

Dishonest reporting?  Sick and biased?  You mean like Sinclair Broadcasting (not "Broadcast") forcing 200 of their station's anchors to read a script warning viewers about "fake news" on other media?

You think the scary "big Caravan of People from Honduras" is heading for the White House?

Somebody needs to cut back on the Diet Cokes so early in the morning.

Better than Shark Week reruns - just put him in a straight jacket and find him an ice floe where the Hondurans can't get to him.

And since we're materially responsible for the need for Hondurans to flee, we damned sure ought to accept them.

...but hey, do what you want...you will anyway.


CNN response:

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