Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Running scared

During a meeting with military officials, Trump was asked about Mueller, who issued a referral that helped lead to a Monday FBI raid on Michael Cohen, Trump's personal attorney.

“We’ll see what happens. Many people have said, 'you should fire him.' Again, they found nothing and in finding nothing that’s a big statement,” Trump said, claiming Mueller's team is biased and has "the biggest conflicts of interest I have ever seen."

“I think it’s a disgrace, what’s going on,” Trump added.

  The Hill
They found nothing? Surely they weren't finished looking through everything they seized by the time Trump had dinner. Maybe we'll wait and see what they have to say about what they found.
“It’s a real disgrace,” Trump told reporters. “It’s an attack on our country in a true sense. It’s an attack on what we all stand for.”
I wonder why he waited until this morning to tweet out his rage.  And if he had to be drugged last night to get any sleep.
On Monday, Trump again hit Sessions for [recusing himself from the Russia investigation].

“The attorney general made a terrible mistake when he did this ... He certainly should have let us know if he was going to recuse himself, and we would have put a different attorney general in,” the president said. “So he made what I consider to be a very terrible mistake for the country.”


Mueller reportedly told Trump's lawyers last month that he does not consider the president to be a criminal target at this point in his investigation, but he still considers Trump to be a subject.
That could all change when they finish sifting through Cohen's records, and Trump has got to know that.
He is also said to be preparing a report about Trump's actions in the White House and whether he sought to obstruct justice.
It's getting awfully hot in Trumpland.

...but hey, do what you want...you will anyway.

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