Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Leaky ship

Mick Mulvaney [acting head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau], who is also the White House budget director, said some CFPB staffers have damaged the bureau's reputation with leaks to reporters he says are inaccurate.


"What's really disappointing to me is it undermines the credibility of the institution,” Mulvaney told a conference of community bankers in Washington. He said he wants the CFPB to be viewed with respect across ideological lines and cease leaks he says “makes us look like partisan hacks.”

  The Hill
I'm pretty sure you are partisan hacks, which would be the real reason you look like partisan hacks.
A staunch conservative who has opposed the bureau’s existence, Mulvaney was appointed by President Trump to be acting CFPB director in November following the resignation of Richard Cordray, the agency’s first chief.

The CFPB was created by the Dodd-Frank Act to police predatory lending and has been the focal point of heated partisan battles in Congress since it opened in 2013. Mulvaney pledged to rein in the CFPB after years of complaints from the GOP and financial sector that the agency had breached its mandate with overreaching rules and lawsuits.

The bureau was the brainchild of Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and has been fiercely defended by her party.
You surely can't be surprised there are leaks from agency employees whose head doesn't think it should exist.

...but hey, do what you want...you will anyway.

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