Sunday, April 8, 2018

About John Bolton

Former colleagues say the next national security adviser — whose job is to marshal information and present it to the president fairly — resists input that doesn’t fit his biases and retaliates against people he disagrees with.

The next national security adviser sounds suspiciously like the president.
Last week, President Donald Trump named Bolton to be his new national security adviser, a job that would arguably make him the government’s most important arbiter of competing views on foreign policy and a key judge of what intelligence information reaches the president on the most serious threats to national security.


Among other ideas, Bolton has advocated overthrowing the Islamic government of Iran, bombing that country’s nuclear facilities, and (just last month) taking preemptive military action against North Korea.

An examination of Bolton’s record, based on interviews with some of his former colleagues and the Senate hearings on his nomination in 2005 to be the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, reveal a tendency to aggressively embrace intelligence that supported his positions, while discounting information that undercut those views. The confrontations that arose from that approach have often been ascribed to partisanship or sharp elbows, but even some conservative veterans of the Bush administration accused Bolton of exaggerating, minimizing or cherry-picking intelligence information to bolster his policy positions, and of retaliating to try to silence intelligence professionals with whom he disagreed.
Still sounds like the president himself.
“Anyone who is so cavalier not just with intelligence, but with facts, and so ideologically driven, is unfit to be national security adviser,” said Robert Hutchings, who dealt extensively with Bolton as head of the National Intelligence Council, a high-level agency that synthesizes analysis from across the intelligence community to produce strategic assessments for policymakers.
Also unfit to be president.
“He’s impervious to information that goes against his preconceived ideological views.”
Twins separated at birth? Sharing one mind between them?

I appreciate the serious danger of having this man in the White House, but you know, really it doesn't matter, because Trump was only listening to Fox News commentators (common taters), of which John Bolton was one, anyway.

Also, I expect there to be a lot of leaks from the intelligence community contradicting what Bolton is whispering in Trump's ass - I mean, ear.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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