Sunday, April 15, 2018

A very scary morning

I can't decide whether he's riding high on his Syria attack and subsequent media praise, or experiencing extra nervous energy over what's going to become public knowledge with Comey's book and Cohen's seized records.

He keeps harping on attorney-client privilege, but those "deflated and concerned" laywers understand what just happened and why there is no privilege Cohen can successfully claim.  They're not deflated and concerned about being raided.  They are most assuredly concerned, though.  Concerned about what they're facing representing the compromised and criminal client they have.

He has "too many" lawyers.  Ha.  He can't buy an attorney these days.

Also, he's not following the GPO directive to discredit Comey.  He's supposed to be calling him Lyin' Comey like he did earlier on.  He's switched to Slippery James Comey.  It would have been better, I think, to go with Slippery Jim.  That's got a good ring to it.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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