Sunday, February 4, 2018

Saved by the bell

Kathleen Hartnett White will be spared another embarrassing interview.
The White House will withdraw its controversial nominee to head the Council on Environmental Quality, Kathleen Hartnett White, according to three administration officials briefed on the matter who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the decision has not been announced yet.


A White House official confirmed in an email Saturday evening that Hartnett White had withdrawn her nomination, but did not provide further comment. Hartnett White could not be reached for comment.


One of the officials briefed on Hartnett White’s plans said that her nomination had failed to gather momentum even as some of the administration’s other senior environmental policy picks had won approval, with some Senate Republicans raising questions about her expertise.

Gee, why would they question that?
Andrew Rosenberg, director of the Center for Science and Democracy at the Union of Concerned Scientists, called her a “remarkable poor choice” for such a consequential environmental post.

“A while ago, I wrote that many Trump appointees to science-based positions could be considered to either have deep conflicts of interest, to be fundamentally opposed to the mission of the agency they were to lead or totally unqualified. Hartnett-White was all three — a trifecta,” he said.


She is not the first Trump environmental nominee to fail to win confirmation. Michael Dourson, whose nomination to become the Environmental Protection Agency’s top chemical safety official drew widespread criticism, withdrew from consideration in December after it became clear that the Senate probably would not confirm him.

A longtime toxicologist who worked at the EPA from 1980 to 1994, Dourson was closely tied to the chemical industry through a nonprofit consulting group he founded shortly after leaving the agency. Over the years, it produced research for chemical companies that consistently found little or no human health risks from their products.
I'm actually kind of surprised these people were rejected. Could it be that Republicans have actually started to be concerned about the environment? No, I lost my head there for a second. I don't know why they're rejecting them.

Okay, another one down.  Next?

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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