Friday, February 2, 2018

And why so concerned with Carter Page anyway?

Carter Page is batshit crazy.  I don't see how anyone can put any confidence in anything he says.  Why is the GOP so desperate to bring up this memo story about a FISA warrant to track Carter Page?  Even the Trump cabal told him to get lost.  Is this their best hope to steer attention away from Trump's liability and the real trouble he and his family and cronies are in?  I must be missing something.

Flashback to October:

And, another flashback (October 31, 2017):
This past April, he admitted that he had been in communication with a Russian intelligence operative who tried to recruit him but, according to a sealed F.B.I. document, concluded that he was “an idiot.” As if to back up the Russian’s assessment, Page rushed to set the record straight on Good Morning America, where he struggled to respond when asked whether he had ever told the Russians that Trump would be open to easing sanctions if elected. “I mean—it may—topics—I don’t remember—we’ll see what comes out in this FISA transcript,” he stumbled. “I don’t recall every single word that I ever said. . . . Something may have come up in a conversation.”

  Vanity Fair
So, why's he talking about a FISA transcript back in April? Why does he know about a FISA - secret court - proceding involving himself? The warrant was still being extended up until the end of October.

Moving forward to October and the Chris Hayes interview above...

That's the video above.

Page mentions Ryan and the FISA affidavit together:
"I'm very, very open and happy to give all the information that I can in the interest of getting the truth out there, because I think when the truth comes out - when Speaker Paul Ryan says the FISA warrant - or the details about the dodgy dossier and what happened and all the documents around that - it's gonna be released - that's what I'm really excited about. I think the truth will set a lot of people free." 
Chris Hayes didn't ask Page about that, as he was on to some other question, but obviously, Page knew this moment today was coming.

Sounds like Ryan has some 'splainin' to do.

I'll be more than happy to measure Ryan's slimey ass for an orange jumpsuit, too.

Enough to hang Paul Ryan, I hope.

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