Saturday, February 17, 2018

American gun culture

I can't imagine a Democrat doing this, but I can't wrap my head around it, even for a Republican.
A Republican running for a Kansas congressional seat is going forward with his planned AR-15 giveaway for his campaign after the same weapon was used to carry out the mass shooting at a Florida high school this week.

Tyler Tannahill, a Marine veteran, announced the giveaway one day before the shooting. He told The Kansas City Star that he would still hold the event in support of the Second Amendment.


GOP candidates have utilized the giveaways in the past to fundraise for their campaigns and solidify their pro-Second Amendment standing.

  The Hill
Even if the Florida school slaughter hadn't just happened, this would be insane.
“No individual is for school shootings. It’s heartbreaking ... being a parent, our thoughts on that, for me personally, I am a strong believer in the Second Amendment,” Tannahill told The Star. “I think we need to have a discussion of what can be done and throwing out comments of displeasure isn’t going to solve it.”
And giving away an AR-15 is?
After the shooting, Tannahill posted on social media that he and his wife were “heartbroken to learn of the tragedy.” He encouraged people to donate to a training program for teachers and staff on how to respond to instances of possible gun violence called FASTER.
What kind of an answer is that?

..but hey, do what you will anyway.

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