Saturday, February 3, 2018

Alberto Gonzales weighs in on the memo

Former Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez slammed a Republican-drafted memo alledging surveillance at the Department of Justice on Friday, saying he did not have any confidence in the controversial document.

“I have no confidence whatsoever in what’s going to come out of the House,” the former attorney general under George W. Bush told Time magazine, adding, "Nunes seems to be part of the Trump team.”

  The Hill
Lawzy! Dubya's best toady finds a toady point beyond the pale.
Gonzalez faced backlash during his tenure as attorney general under the Bush administration when he authored a memo that concluded that parts of the Geneva Convention on Prisoners of War were outdated in regard to handling captured Taliban and al Qaeda fighters.

The memo had been produced as a response to a CIA request for clarification of interrogations standards in the U.S.

😲  Preet Bharara has a ruffle!

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