Sunday, January 21, 2018

Failing miserably

As for the fact that the president* has abdicated his obligation to lead, and that his word in negotiations is not to be trusted, hell, everybody’s used to that by now.


So the “DACA kids” are now “illegal immigrants,” and the guy who killed at least two deals in the past 10 days is complaining about how nobody wants to negotiate with him. His alleged former inamorata is doing a VIP show at a strip club not far from the godfearing campus of Bob Jones University And we have had a year of this now, a year in which we've all been living in what the nuns used to call, "the near occasions of sin." Things are looking up!

  Charles P Pierce
He's not a leader. He's never been a leader. He leaves other people to try to make things happen and then he whines about it.
President Trump did not approve an outline of his immigration policy crafted by top Homeland Security staff at a bipartisan meeting with lawmakers on immigration two weeks ago.

A lawmaker who attended the televised meeting earlier this month tells The Washington Post that after Trump ordered cameras out of the room, the president reacted in surprise and shock to the summary of his policy positions on immigration that Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and her staff passed out.

Trump reportedly outwardly expressed frustration that he was unaware of the outline until the meeting, saying he disagreed with the four-page document's "must haves" and proposals for an immigration deal.

The president told lawmakers gathered in the meeting to disregard the outline, which listed several of his key proposals, including $18 billion in funding for a border wall.

  The Hill
Republican strategist John Weaver said Saturday that blame for the government shutdown falls on President Trump and the GOP.

“Trump created the [Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program] crisis. The congressional wing of the GOP refused to fund CHIP. Trump & GOP ignored the pleas of the Pentagon for a fully funded budget. All of this is on them,” Weaver said.


Trump and Republicans have blamed Democrats for the shutdown. But Democrats fired back, saying it was the GOP’s fault for refusing to attach a measure extending protections for recipients of the DACA program to the bill.

  The Hill
I think the more important question is who's going to fix it?

Aaaaand, good morning from the President, who certainly isn't going to be the one.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Sunday expressed opposition to using the “nuclear option” to allow the Senate to pass a long-term budget with 51 votes.

“The Republican Conference opposes changing the rules on legislation,” a spokesman for McConnell said.


Doing so would allow the party, which holds 51 seats in the Senate, to pass legislation without a single Democratic vote.

  The Hill
I don't even see how that could be an option. If the rule is that 60 votes are needed, why can you do it with 51?

But here's the likely reason McConnell isn't in favor of a "nuclear option":
Republicans might not have enough votes to pass a funding bill along strict party lines. Four Republicans voted against the legislation on Friday night.
America is broken.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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