Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Go, Bob, Go

In the midst of this highly ambitious [tax plan] agenda, which even the most skilled and focused administration would be hard-pressed to carry out on time, Trump is … raising beefs with two Republican senators whose votes he badly needs [...] John McCain and Bob Corker.


You gonna take that, Donald? Huh?

Republicans have 52 votes in the Senate. Minus McCain and Corker, they have zero margin for error. They would need every other vote, including Susan Collins’s. Trump may believe that his social-media bullying campaign is an effective way to prod recalcitrant members of his party into line. It has certainly worked many times before — his crude insults of people like Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio resulted in their eventually submitting. But Trump may not be distinguishing between young pols on the make and retiring senators who have nothing to lose.

  NY Magazine
Why do people continue to talk like The Most Notable Loser thinks about anything? He's nothing more than a giant gasbag with every nerve exposed, who constantly hits out but can't take a punch. He has no scruples. He has no empathy. He has nothing resembling a functional brain beyond the base stem.

 ...but hey, do what you want...you will anyway.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is the textbook image of an Exposed Nerve