Thursday, August 18, 2022

Trumpy liars, one and all

Liz Cheney has released her concession call to Harriet Hageman, after the Trump-backed Republican who won the Wyoming US House primary on Tuesday told Fox News her rival had not made “any kind of concession or anything else”.


Hageman discussed the concession call with the Fox News host Sean Hannity. She said: “I haven’t had any other contact with Liz Cheney. She made the one effort and all she said was ‘Hello, Harriet.’ And then that was the end of it.”


Cheney gave a recording of the call to Politico. In it, she said: “Hi, Harriet, it is Liz Cheney calling. It is about 8.13 [pm] on Tuesday the 16th. I’m calling to concede the election and congratulate you on the win. Thanks.”


Cheney told Politico she called Hageman three times, leaving the voicemail before going out to speak.


Hageman, an attorney, once opposed Trump herself but came round to win his endorsement. She has repeated Trump’s lie about the 2020 election, which Trump lost conclusively to Joe Biden, being rigged.

She will be heavily favoured to win Wyoming’s sole seat in the US House in November, against the Democrat Lynette Grey Bull.


In her concession speech, delivered in Jackson against the backdrop of a setting sun and the Teton mountains, Cheney outlined plans to oppose Trump from outside the House.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.


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