Saturday, September 26, 2020

It's official: Hitler comparisons have been greenlighted

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden compared President Trump to Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels Saturday, accusing the president of lying about his record to the American people.


“I’m not sure anybody hasn’t already made up their mind they’re for Trump. But who knows. He’s sort of like Goebbels. You say the lie long enough, keep repeating it, repeating it, repeating it, it becomes common knowledge,” he said.

“The other week I was too moderate, as you remember, I was too tough. And now the American people, I think they know who I am. They know my heart, they know my story, my family story. Trump is using socialism to scare and distract Floridians from a failed pandemic.”


Goebbels is notorious for being one of Adolph Hitler’s closest associates and was one of the staunchest advocates for exterminating Jewish people during the Holocaust. He was Nazi Germany’s propaganda minister and was known for his public speaking skills.

  The Hill

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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