Tuesday, September 22, 2020

From incompetent, senile and reliant on teleprompters to genius

Pathetic and hilarious at the same time.
Trump has previously said he thought Biden was "incompetent" in the early Democratic primary debates and called for Biden to be drug tested before the first presidential debate.


"I don't know how he could have been so incompetent in his debate performances and then all of a sudden be OK against Bernie Sanders."

  The Hill
In his quest to cast Joe Biden as a senile old man despite only three years of age difference between them, President Donald Trump has recently taken to mocking Joe Biden’s use of teleprompters.


According to The Washington Post, Trump riffed at his campaign rally in Wisconsin: “I’m watching what they’re doing with Biden where he’s using teleprompters.” Then, in a mocking voice imitating Biden, he went on: “Move it up, move it up, I can’t see.” According to the Post, Trump’s teleprompters were clearly visible during the shtick.

  The Daily Beast
Another day, another barrage of clips where Joe Biden appears to be completely mentally checked out. It’s quite literally getting to the point where he can’t complete a full sentence.


Here we see Biden creating a word salad that ironically ends with him stammering about how things “make no sense.” I have very little idea what he’s actually trying to say, but again, this is a man who can’t speak without seeming as if he’s forgotten the English language.


[T]his is clearly not a man capable of processing and dealing with tough problems.

  Red State
Trumpalos are nothing if not ironically challenged.

All the time they were trying to portray Joe as senile and incapable of performing the simplest task they were setting the bar very low for Joe in a debate with Trump. Critics of that approach were saying all Joe needs to do is show up and he'll exceed expectations.

Now that the debates are close, Trump's people have finally figured that out, and suddenly, Joe's really quite good.
The Trump campaign attempted to play up the debate abilities of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden with the first debate in less than 10 days.

With the first presidential debates slated for Sept. 29 in Cleveland, the Trump campaign's communications director on Monday told Fox News that the former vice president “knows his way” around the debate stage after 47 years in politics.

“Joe Biden has been a Washington politician for 47 years, he spent decades in the Senate where all they do is debate, he was vice president twice, and debated on the national stage in each of those races, and did very well,” Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh said in an appearance on "Fox & Friends First."

“In the Democrat primaries, he debated a whole crowd of opponents, 11 times, and he won,” Murtaugh noted. “He bested two dozen Democrat challengers.”

Biden “knows his way around the debate stage," Murtaugh later said. “He knows how to do it. He’s actually quite good. That’s the Joe Biden we expect to see on debate night. ... We have to be prepared for the tuned-in Joe Biden.”

  The Hill
Lucky for Trump, his base is tuned out and seems incapable of thinking, or at least unwilling to do so. Their little heads will just swivel whichever way Trump blows.
President Trump also said he expects Biden to perform well because he's a "professional" and "can debate."

“I don’t know if he’s all there, but I think he’s a professional,” Trump said in a phone call later on Monday on "Fox & Friends."

“I have to assume that he is a professional and that he can debate," Trump said, adding he believes Biden "is going to do great."
He's not "all there" but he can debate. That's Trump making sense.

...but hey, do what you want...you will anyway.

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