Sunday, November 3, 2019

Obstructing Congress continues

One of the White House’s top national security aides and a key ally to the acting chief of staff [Robert Blair, who participated in the July 25 call,] will not appear on Capitol Hill on Monday to testify before House lawmakers, his attorney confirmed late Saturday night.


Blair’s attorney, Whit Ellerman, said Blair would not appear on Monday “pursuant to direction from the White House, which is based on advice from the Department of Justice.”

When asked if Blair would appear if Democrats subpoenaed him, Ellerman said he would not and that “direction from the White House and advice from DOJ cover subpoena.”

Impeach Barr. And do something about this refusal to cooperate with a Constitutional process.
Although Blair specialized in national security policy and spending and worked for several years on the Hill on appropriations, he worked out of the chief of staff’s office in the West Wing, where he served as a senior adviser to Mulvaney. In that capacity, he clashed often with the former National Security Adviser John Bolton and his team, according to a former senior administration official.


Officials also summoned to the Hill on Monday include John Eisenberg, deputy counsel to the president for national security affairs, Michael Ellis, senior associate counsel to the president, and Brian McCormack, associate director for natural resources, energy and science at the Office of Management and Budget, according to an official familiar with the impeachment inquiry.

It remains unclear which if any of those officials will show up.
...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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