Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Jerry Nadler's Judiciary Committee announced its first hearing

But why are they bowing to GOP pressure?
The hearing will be titled, “The Impeachment Inquiry into President Donald J. Trump: Constitutional Grounds for Presidential Impeachment.” The witnesses, who have yet to be announced, will face questions from lawmakers about technical aspects of the impeachment process, including what constitutes a high crime or misdemeanor as defined in the Constitution.


[A]hearing schedule that would ensure the House could wrap up the impeachment inquiry by the end of the year — a priority for senior Democrats.

Do a thorough job, not a rush job for political purposes. If you're having a hearing to argue the merits, it merits thoroughness.
The Judiciary Committee is expected to hold at least one more hearing allowing Democrats to present their case against Trump, which could come the second week of December. Trump’s lawyers will also have an opportunity to respond, although it is unclear if the president will participate.
I'm sure he won't. How is that not clear to anyone?

And since this is not the trial phase of an impeachment, but still the investigatory phase to decide if there will be articles of impeachment, why the fuck are the president's lawyers involved? Because Trump, Inc. has been bitching for weeks that they're not getting a fair shake, when they clearly are. Stop bowing to those lawless fucks. The House Judiciary Republicans have lawyers. They're the ones who should be arguing the merits of impeachment. Trump's lawyers are there for the fucking trial, FFS.

...but hey, do what you want...you will anyway.


Trump and his lawyers won't be there.

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