Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Trump admin solution: just move the kids - Update

The acting head of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, John Sanders, announced his resignation amid growing outcry over reports that more than 300 children were held in a remote Border Patrol station in Clint, Texas, with insufficient food and water, and were left to try to care for one another.


Sanders’ departure from the agency charged with overseeing ports of entry, temporary processing of migrants and the Border Patrol prompted another shuffling of top Homeland Security officials. Acting Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director Mark Morgan has moved over to Customs and Border Protection, and acting Deputy Director Matt Albence will move up to lead ICE, a Homeland Security official confirmed.


Tuesday, a Customs and Border Protection official confirmed that 127 of the migrant children transferred from the Clint station were subsequently moved back.


Although it's unclear where all the children held at Clint had been moved, Escobar said some were sent to another facility on the north side of El Paso called Border Patrol Station 1.


When asked why the children had been returned, the official said it was "because the numbers have been reduced,” and the Health and Human Services Department’s Office of Refugee Resettlement “was able to take a number of them."

There was no word on whether improvements had been made to the facility in response to the reported conditions.


On Sunday, volunteers in El Paso tried to deliver diapers, soap, sleeping bags and stuffed animals to the Clint facility, according to Abigail Seldin, a Washington-based entrepreneur who purchased the items to be delivered and described herself as a “concerned mom.”


The donations were rejected, she said.

  LA Times
...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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