Thursday, June 27, 2019

Roger Stone is tired of not being on TV

Roger Stone’s recent social media posts challenging the criminal charges he’s fighting put him in violation of a court-imposed gag order and may require him to be jailed, federal prosecutors argued in a new motion on Thursday.

The U.S. attorney from Washington, D.C., who is handling the case originally brought by special counsel Robert Mueller against the longtime Donald Trump adviser, took issue with several of Stone’s posts on Instagram, including several this week that question why he’s not getting more media coverage about his attorneys’ recent legal filings.


“At best, Stone’s efforts could create the misimpression that this case is about issues that are not charged in the Indictment, and risk the trial ‘devolv[ing] into a circus,’” the prosecutors said, citing Jackson’s own words. “But worse, it could confuse prospective jurors or color how they later view the actually-relevant evidence and understand the Court’s instructions about that evidence.”


At issue are posts Stone started making Tuesday, including a message asking why several major news organizations didn’t cover a recent filing his lawyers made arguing that the government did not independently verify that Russian operatives hacked the Democratic National Committee in 2016. Stone posted several more articles touting his attorneys’ work, tagging one, “Funny, No @nytimes or @washingtonpost coverage of this development.”

Also included in the government’s filing is Stone’s comment, written on Instagram, about a May report in POLITICO describing Jackson’s order to see any unredacted portions of the Mueller report related to his case. “The Judge has ruled but @Politico gets most of the story wrong because they are biased elitist snot-nosed fake news shitheads who’s specialty is distortion by omitting key facts to create a false narrative. #rogerstonedidnothingwrong #rogerstone #fakenews,” Stone’s post said.


One image posted by Stone that prosecutors brought to the court’s attention called former CIA Director John Brennan a “psycho who must be charged, tried, convicted . . . . and hung for treason.”

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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