Wednesday, March 27, 2019

In Romania?

In the days preceding the official conclusion of the Mueller Report, Brad Parscale, Trump’s campaign manager, was on a trip to Romania, where he outlined a $1 billion dollar strategy to get the U.S. President re-elected in 2020.


Parscale delivered a talk on Thursday at the Romanian Academy with the title “Let’s Make Political Marketing Great Again” in the presence of numerous personalities of Romania’s political and academic elite. “This is the farthest East I've ever gone in my life today in Romania”, Parscale confessed during the event. In this unlikely context so far from home, he shared fascinating details about the Trump campaign's . During his three-day stay in Bucharest, Parscale also gave an extended public interview in prime time on a popular TV news station and met with various local business and political leaders.

Why is he giving that talk there?

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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