Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Bending to Trump's demand to investigate "the other side"

On Tuesday, the US House Judiciary Committee unanimously approved a resolution directing the Justice Department to give Congress records on FBI obstruction and counterintelligence probes of US President Donald Trump.


[T]he Democratic-led panel voted 22-0 to send the measure to the full House of Representatives for a possible floor vote. Full House approval would give Barr 14 days to comply with the demand for all records and communications concerning FBI investigations of Trump as well as any discussions within the Justice Department about secretly recording the president or seeking to replace him by invoking the 25th Amendment to the US Constitution.

Because what would they do if people were indeed discussing replacing him? Is that a crime now? Is the FBI counterintelligence probe concluded? Can the Judiciary Committee get investigative documents at any time during an investigation?
Meanwhile, the Senate Judiciary Committee's Republican chairman called for an investigation into the origins of the probe of potential Trump campaign links with Russia


Earlier this month, the House voted 420-0 in favour of making the report public, with no Republican opposition. Trump did not object over the release of the report to the public.
Yeah, and Mitch McConnell blocked it in the Senate.

...but hey, do what you want...you will anyway.

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