Friday, March 29, 2019

He's still using that absurd trope about wind power

[During a phone interview with Fox News’s Sean Hannity] President Trump late Wednesday repeated his opposition to wind power, pushing a misleading claim that it would not work as an energy source because the wind “only blows sometimes.”


“You look at the fact that we would have been powered by wind, which wouldn’t have worked by the way because it only blows sometimes and lots of problems come about.”


Just one week earlier, he mocked the concept of wind power by mimicking a man telling his spouse: “Turn off the television darling, please. There's no wind, please turn off the television quickly.”

  The Hill
When I first heard him say that, I wondered if it were just a stupid joke to make a point, but that statement to Hannity sure sounds like he actually believes it. Has no one told him that's not the way wind powered systems work? Does he think solar power only works when the sun's shining? Just how ignorant is he really?
Trump, who campaigned on restoring coal jobs to the U.S., has long opposed wind turbines based on a number of arguments, including saying that the “windmills” will decrease property values and that turbines are a “killing field” for birds.
Stupid arguments, but that's more reason I questioned whether he actually believed that shit about power stopping when the wind quit blowing. But maybe he actually believes all those things.
According to a new study released this week by a nonpartisan think tank, solar and wind power are on track to phase out coal as cheaper energy alternatives within the next few years.
And he'll still be literally tilting at windmills.  President Don Quixote, only stupid and mean.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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