Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Trump being Trump

Trump gave confusing comments to reporters Tuesday about the congressional deal to avert another partial government shutdown caused by Trump’s demand for $5.7 billion to fund a southern border wall. The agreement includes just $1.4 billion for border security, less than a quarter of what Trump has demanded.


Even as Trump said he was “not happy” and “adding things” to the agreement in Congress, several people close to the White House said they believe he is simply delaying his inevitable support for a deal that some leading conservatives are calling unacceptable.


“Looking over all aspects of the agreement knowing that this will be hooked up with lots of money from other sources,” Trump tweeted, claiming that the final total would be “almost $23 BILLION for Border Security.” It was unclear what other sources Trump was referring to, but White House officials have been studying ways he might unilaterally redirect billions of unspent federal dollars towards wall construction.

It doesn't matter. He doesn't actually need to build a wall. He just needs to keep his base on the hook believing he will, and for that, all he needs to do is make shit up. It's already being done. The chant line has been switched from "build the wall" to "finish the wall". He'll sign the bill they send him and keep tweeting what a victory he's won, and all the ways he CAN get money.

His only real concern is keeping the spotlight on himself.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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