Friday, February 15, 2019

Did she fold?

Special counsel Robert Mueller's team has interviewed White House press secretary Sarah Sanders, she told CNN on Friday.

"The President urged me, like he has everyone in the administration, to fully cooperate with the special counsel. I was happy to voluntarily sit down with them," Sanders said in response to a question from CNN. The interview is one of the final known interviews by Mueller's team. It came around the same time as the special counsel interviewed former White House chief of staff John Kelly, well after a number of other senior officials, including former White House communications director Hope Hicks and former press secretary Sean Spicer, were brought in for questioning.

The White House did not immediately agree to grant the special counsel an interview with Sanders, according to one of the sources.

I wonder if this is responsible for the reports that Sanders was looking for a job outside the White House and couldn't find one. And it's very likely it's the reason she rarely gives press statements any more.

I'd like to know more about how this story came about.  Did CNN turn it up during some investigative work?  It doesn't seem likely that Sanders would have volunteered the scoop to CNN instead of Fox if the administration is just trying to get out in front of some big story about to drop, but who knows?

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