Sunday, March 25, 2018


If he's very  happy with his existing team, then why did he get rid of Dowd, and why did he ask diGenova to sign on?

Last night I watched that post murder trial interview with OJ Simpson that had never been released.  I didn't watch the trial when it happened, so I might have maintained a small percent doubt of his guilt.  Not after watching that.  His "hypothetical" explanation about him and "Charlie" actually committing the murders was nothing short of a confession and was the most bizarre thing I've ever seen/heard. And his mannerisms, especially every time he said, "I thought I might be able to 'get some'" when talking about both Nicole and other women, were downright creepy.  Too bad Nicole Brown's lawyers got that and his book barred from publication.  Double jeopardy would have prevented Simpson being retried, but it would have put to rest the question of guilt a long time ago.

What struck me at this time is that Simpson sounded just like Donald Trump - everything was about him and his ego, and the only thing that seemed to bother him was that people didn't love him any more. Well, that and he could no longer control Nicole. His manner of talking about the situation and answering questions was very like Trump.  Perhaps it's typical of narcissists in the limelight.

At any rate, that interview is exactly the kind of thing you'll get if Trump agrees to talk to Mueller, only with even less humility.  And Mueller will nail him.  I don't think Trump will do it.  I think he'll just keep saying he wants to but his lawyers won't let him and claim innocence.  Who knows, though?  He IS an idiot.  And I have no doubt he thinks he's smarter than Mueller, and is just narcissistic enough to believe he could pull it off.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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