Sunday, March 25, 2018

The surprise budget

President Donald Trump’s budget proposals have taken a hatchet to President Barack Obama’s top priorities.


Now the Republicans who control Congress have passed a $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill, and it not only protects Obama’s priorities, it expands them. It does far less for Trump’s stated priorities.

I guess they finally realized they're losing voters.
The omnibus—Capitol Hill jargon for a single spending bill that funds most government functions—does not kill any of the programs or agencies Trump’s budget proposed to kill; it triples funding for TIGER [a grant program for innovative transportation projects created by Obama’s stimulus bill], nearly doubles CDBG [a community development program], and boosts ARPA-E [an energy research agency] budget by 16 percent. Trump wanted to slash the Energy Department’s renewables budget 65 percent; instead, Congress boosted it 14 percent. Trump proposed to keep nonmilitary spending $54 billion below the congressional budget cap; the omnibus spends right up to the cap, a $63 billion increase from last year.


It basically extends the fiscal status quo that has prevailed since the start of Obama’s second term—plus a sizable chunk of new deficit spending—even though Republicans now control the legislative and executive branches.
Well, he didn't veto it. He had the right and the opportunity.
Republicans are pleased that the omnibus hikes defense spending 10 percent, even more than Trump requested, including a 2.6 percent military pay raise Trump has already bragged about on Twitter. The White House also got $1.6 billion for border security, although the bill specifies it cannot be spent on the concrete wall the president wants. There’s a 6 percent cut in foreign aid and other State Department programs, less than the 25 percent cut in the Trump budget written by Office of Management and Budget chief Mick Mulvaney but still a significant rollback. And the omnibus did not include a specific line item for the Gateway rail tunnel project in New York City that Trump had called a deal-breaker.

Not only won’t it build his wall—much less get Mexico to pay for it—it won’t cut funding for “sanctuary cities” or add new detention beds for undocumented immigrants. It won’t eliminate the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities or the Legal Services Corporation, and actually provided modest funding increases for all three agencies. It won’t fund Trump administration proposals to expand school choice or replace food stamps with home-delivered boxes of food.


The omnibus did not adopt Trump’s proposed cuts to Pell Grants for low-income students, Head Start for low-income children, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the National Institutes of Health, which all got more money than they got last year. The Environmental Protection Agency, which would have lost nearly a third of its budget if Trump had his way, was level-funded.


The omnibus doesn’t even cut off funding to Planned Parenthood, a GOP priority that inspired a government shutdown under Obama.
He'll just have to count on his base not ever knowing any of these things.
Democrats did not get everything they wanted. The omnibus did not include the new protections they are seeking for undocumented Dreamers who came to America as kids, or new funding they want for stabilizing the Obamacare exchanges.
Wait, wait! He told us the Democrats didn't want to help the DACA kids.
But considering the balance of power in Congress, they got quite a lot they wanted that Trump didn’t want—including full funding for the 2020 census, money for states to bolster their election security and the FBI to fight Russian cyberattacks, and language blocking a proposed Trump administration rule that would have allowed employers to pocket tips earned by their workers.


And they won a modest strengthening of gun background checks and a rollback of a ban on gun violence research by the CDC without having to accept a provision requiring states to honor concealed carry permits; conservative members of the House Freedom Caucus claimed GOP leaders had promised that provision would be part of the deal.


Trump’s budgets floated the deepest cuts in research and other innovation investments that any administration has ever proposed. On Thursday, an analysis by Matt Hourihan of the American Association for the Advancement of Science concluded the omnibus would provide the largest increase in innovation funding since Obama’s 2009 stimulus, boosting America’s research budget 12.8 percent to its highest inflation-adjusted level ever.
And he's NEVER going to sign another one like it. He said so.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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