That would explain why it was reported that Bolton ruined the surprise by entering through the wrong gate where reporters could see him, and his subsequent statement that he didn't think the change was going to be announced that day.President Trump’s announcement Thursday afternoon that he was replacing national security adviser H.R. McMaster with former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton reportedly ruined White House aides' plans to announce multiple administration departures at once.
Politico reported that White House chief of staff John Kelly and other senior aides were waiting for potentially bruising inspector general reports on Veteran Affairs Secretary David Shulkin and Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson.
The White House planned to then announce the departure of McMaster and other top aides at once, Politico reported.
The Hill
As for Shulkin and Carson, they've been getting too much bad publicity, and that should put Zinke in the hot seat, as well. And Mnuchin. Perhaps Shulkin and Carson didn't kiss His Lordship's ass enough.
John Kelly has been repeatedly reported to be on the chopping block, and I won't be surprised to see that happen before too long.
...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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