Saturday, February 10, 2018

Look out, Hope

President Donald Trump has grown increasingly frustrated with Hope Hicks, his communications director and one of his closest confidantes, amid the fallout from the Rob Porter scandal, people familiar with the matter say.

Interestingly, Hope has recently been interviewed by Mueller's team.
Trump was not consulted when Hicks and several other aides drafted a White House statement defending Porter, and he is under the impression that Hicks has let her romantic relationship with Porter cloud her judgment, a source familiar said.

In the aftermath, Trump has told associates he feels that Hicks put her own priorities ahead of his.
The cardinal sin in the Trump White House.
Trump is "very disturbed by the negative press attention" the Porter story received, a source close to the President said on Friday.


Trump has spent the last two nights phoning friends and former aides to seek their advice, which has varied wildly. Some have told him the episode is a sign he must clean house. Others say drastic moves -- such as firing Kelly -- would only plunge the West Wing into further chaos.


Trump has spoken to his former chief of staff Reince Priebus about the current state of affairs in the White House, the person familiar with the conversations said, though not specifically the fallout from the Porter allegations. Priebus told CNN on Friday that he had not discussed the Porter controversy with the President. The two men had lunch at the White House in recent weeks, before the Porter scandal erupted.
Wow, that's desperate.

When does everything that's going on in the Trump administration become proof that this man cannot keep his house in order nor devote the necessary attention to governing this country?

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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