Sunday, February 11, 2018

Excerpts from "Collusion"

I'm going to post a few excerpts from Luke Harding's "Collusion: Secret meetings, dirty money, and how Russia helped Donald Trump win"

"Below the fold" in this post are bits and pieces of information from the book around Trump's money laundering and collusion with Russian mobsters and government officials that I don't have much on elsewhere, mostly to give me a reference for future posts. The book's very interesting. Check it out.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

Excerpts available by clicking "read more" below.

Introducing Steele.

Spreading the dossier to US personnel.

In the aftermath of the 2018 election, an international group met at the Halifax International Security Forum to discuss what had just happened. One member was Sir Andrew Wood, UK ambassador to Russia from 1995 -2000, a friend of Christopher Steele's, and another was Senator John McCain. Steele had shown Wood his dossier before the election.

On Carter Page.

The Republican Nomination.

Russian acivity in the wake of Steele dossier publication.


On Michael Flynn in Russia.

On Paul Manafort.

About James Comey.

Trump's first trip to Moscow, July 4, 1987, and first hint at running for president.

On Rex Tillerson.

The 2017 G20.

Trump's appalling behavior on his first trip to Europe, and Russia hacking Europeans.

On Wilbur Ross, Bank of Cyprus, and Deutsche Bank.

On Preet Bharara.

Russian money in Trump's business.

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