Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Yet another group of Trump voters to be disappointed

Yesterday the White House announced 30% tariffs on imported solar cells and modules that decline by 5% annually to 15% in the final year, with 2.5 gigawatts worth of cell imports exempted.


Reuters reports that MJ Shiao, head of renewables research for the consultancy Wood Mackenzie, predicts the tariffs will likely cut new U.S. solar installations by 10%–15% over the next 5 years.


Solar Energy Industries Association, the sector's main lobbying group that opposes tariffs, claimed the the decision will cause the loss of 23,000 U.S. jobs. The group has argued that import penalties will raise the costs of new power projects enough to significantly slow down new development.


Expect minimal investment in U.S. solar factories (any that are built will be highly automated), net U.S. job destruction as higher solar panel prices shave the boom in solar installations by 10%, and Chinese trade retaliation.

A reduction of jobs, trade retaliation and a setback to alternative and sustainable energy. Well done.

...but hey, do what you want...you will anyway.

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