Monday, January 22, 2018

Trump/Sessions pressuring FBI director Wray

FBI Director Christopher Wray threatened to resign after Attorney General Jeff Sessions pressured him to remove Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, Axios reported Monday.

Wray reportedly told Sessions that he would resign if McCabe was removed from his post, explosive allegations that will only increase attention on President Trump's interactions with the Justice Department.


Trump attacked McCabe on Twitter last month.


Republicans have harshly criticized McCabe over the FBI’s handling of the probe into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server, as well as the investigation into Russian election interference.

The FBI ruled that McCabe did not have any role in the probe into Clinton’s use of the private server while his wife ran for state office in Virginia as a Democrat, despite GOP claims that he posed a conflict of interest in the investigation.


Sessions also allegedly told White House counsel Don McGahn about Wray’s response to the pressure for him to fire McCabe. McGahn replied by telling Sessions that McCabe wasn’t worth losing Wray, according to Axios.

  The Hill
Translation: If we lose Wray, it will be impossible to pretend Trump is not trying to obstruct justice.

If Jeff Sessions doesn't get fitted for an organge jumpsuit along with the rest of the Trump cabal, I'm going to be very disappointed. UPDATE:
Mr. Trump insisted to reporters in the Oval Office on Tuesday afternoon that he was not troubled that Mr. Sessions had spoken to Mr. Mueller’s investigators.

“No, not at all,” Mr. Trump said.

The president was also asked whether Christopher A. Wray, the director of the F.B.I. who replaced Mr. Comey, had threatened to resign because Mr. Trump and Mr. Sessions were pressuring him to clear the bureau of loyalists to Mr. Comey, as reported by the website Axios late on Monday.

“He didn’t at all,” Mr. Trump said of Mr. Wray. Asked again, the president added: “He did not even a little bit. Nope. He’s going to do a good job.”

Here's the technicality they're pushing:
[H]e stopped short of threatening to quit, a person familiar with the events said. Mr. Wray told Mr. Sessions that he needed to move at his own pace to make changes within the F.B.I., and that if the president and the attorney general wanted replacements made more quickly, someone else would have to do it, the person said.
That's not threatening to quit, you see.

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