Wednesday, July 26, 2017

American Heroes Week

Last week:
White House spokeswoman Helen Aguirre Ferré told reporters the administration had dubbed the week starting Monday "Made in America" week. The week after would be "American Heroes Week," followed by "American Dreams Week," with the details of the latter remaining under wraps for now.

So this week is dubbed "American Heroes Week"? It's more like "American Kids Week".

Sarah Huckleberry Sanders read a 9-year-old's letter to Trump at her first official press briefing as Press Secretary.  Do read that article.  It's mind-blowing.  Especially on the heels of Scaramucci's blundering.

Or, here's the actual letter.

Trump spoke at The Boy Scout Jamboree and addressed the American Legion Boys Nation and American Legion Auxiliary Girls Nation at the White House.

He bragged about himself at both, in case you missed it.

Also, at the White House event:
"And some of you don't even really know what it might be, but we have people that are going to be so successful, so incredible in their lives. And you're going to be happy. "

  NY Daily News
Trump's speech to a massive gathering of Boy Scouts in West Virginia on Monday was panned for its overtly political tone. The president called Washington a "cesspool" and spoke negatively about his predecessor, Hillary Clinton and the news media.
To Boy Scouts.
The Boy Scouts of America and the American Legion are nonpartisan organizations.
Not if Trump can help it.

I take that back. Trump is non-partisan. Trump is simply for Trump.

So far on the theme of American Heroes the president carped to 35,000 kids at the 19th National Boy Scout Jamboree in West Virginia about the media, about the DC “swamp,” about Republicans who aren’t getting on board with repealing the Affordable Care Act, and about Hillary Clinton and his predecessor, Barack Obama. (Chillingly, he even got the boy scouts to boo them both.) He told a rambling story about a developer friend who went bankrupt: “And I saw him at a cocktail party. And it was very sad. Because the hottest people in New York were at this party.” A hero is someone noted for special achievement, and I suppose you could say Trump achieved an unmatched level of inappropriateness in front of this group.

  The Humanist

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

UPDATE:   Chief Scout Executive for the Boy Scouts apologizes for Trump.

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