Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Abbreviated Language

Giuliani told the Daily News that his comment was simply “misinterpreted” because he was trying to keep his remarks brief.


"You speak in somewhat abbreviated language," he told the New York Daily News by way of explaining his Monday introduction for Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Youngstown, Ohio. "All human beings speak in abbreviated language at times."

Haha. I love it.

Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Abbreviated language.

These aluminum tubes are for uranium enrichment.  Abbreviated language.

Obama and Clinton killed Humayun Khan. Abbreviated language.

The NSA does not monitor internet communications of ordinary Americans. Abbreviated language.

I never had sex with that woman. Abbreviated language.
"I didn't forget 9/11. I hardly would. I almost died in it," [Giuliani] said.
I almost died in it. Abbreviated language.

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