Monday, December 7, 2015

Bullshit, But Can't Be Unseen

In the wake of the San Bernardino massacre, the AP ran a story headlined: US Can't Access NSA Phone Records in California Terror Case. Now, as soon as I saw that, I simply said "bullshit" and moved on, because this country's "news" sources crossed the line from journalism to propaganda a long time ago.

I shouldn't have been so quick to move on, however, because AP stories are distributed to all major news sources, including here at ABC.  I have no doubt that headline will be a rallying cry of the rabid right.

So here's an article from Emptywheel laying out exactly why that headline is indeed bullshit: Why the AP's Call Record Article Is So Stupid. You may need it for rebuttal.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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