Sunday, December 14, 2014

Very Enlightening "Debate" on Torture

In two short segments in an appropriately named venue (The Heat), ex-CIA officer Ray McGovern and former House Intelligence Committee Chair, Congressman Pete Hoekstra "discuss" the Senate Torture Report.

In part 1, Hoekstra literally says that some members of Congress were fully informed of and agreed to the use of the torture techniques revealed in the report, and in part 2, he essentially claims that it was wrong to release the report, because now other countries will not be willing to assist us in torture.
Near the end of the second segment, McGovern, who has hitherto been calm and civil, finally has all he can stomach, and takes Hoekstra to task for knowing about the torture, and beyond not doing anything about it, condoning it.

And, no, Hoekstra is not ashamed of what he's done. (In case you wondered.)


UPDATE: 12/16
Ray McGovern explication of the "debate" (text, no video)

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