Saturday, February 3, 2018

Federal pressure on the Governor of Mississippi

If you bought the GOP claim that they want to keep the Federal government out of State's business, you've got yourself a bag of wind.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) urged Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant (R) to consider appointing himself to Sen. Thad Cochran’s (R-Miss.) seat if Cochran decides to resign, according to The Washington Post.

McConnell reportedly spoke directly to Bryant about potential Senate plans, while the Clarion-Ledger in Jackson confirmed that President Trump also discussed those plans with the governor.

  The Hill
Because Mitch McConnell told him to, no doubt about it. And how is this possible? Hopefully, it's just a temporary thing until an election is held.
But sources told the Clarion-Ledger that Bryant isn’t interested in a Senate seat.

And in an emailed statement to the Post, Bryant touted Cochran’s service in the Senate and called the rumors about the senator resigning “insensitive.”


McConnell wants to protect Republicans’ slim 51-seat majority ahead of this year's midterm elections. By appointing himself, Bryant would present a roadblock for state Sen. Chris McDaniel (R), who has reportedly expressed interest in the seat if Cochran resigns.
And, why would Mitch not want McDaniel in the Senate, you might well ask.
McDaniel, a Tea Party favorite, drew the ire of McConnell and GOP leadership when he challenged Cochran in a vicious 2014 GOP primary.
I see why Trump and McConnell get along these days. They both believe in punishing anyone who crosses them.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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