Saturday, January 20, 2018

The Memo

The Internet is exploding [...] with cries of #ReleaseTheMemo, with the GOP throwing a big fat j'accuse at the Democrats.


The GOP claims congressional committees have been shown a memo detailing shocking Obama-era surveillance abuses involving the Russia case.

  Matt Taibbi
I assume that as Mueller zeros in for charges, this type of desperation-induced distraction will only get worse.
By all means, if the memo is important (although I doubt it) let's let the public see it. But followers of this story should also remember that if this or any classified document somehow exculpates Donald Trump on any front, he's had the power all along to declassify such information.

Why Trump hasn't done so on a number of these occasions has been one of the enduring mysteries of this affair. It's given pause to even the most hardened Russiagate skeptics.
I'm pretty sure the answer is, because then they couldn't use it for distraction purposes.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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