Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Not everyone is afraid of the big bad orange wolf

The Federal Reserve cut its key interest rate by 0.5 per cent Tuesday—thrusting it into the center of a political firestorm.


Markets rose immediately on the cut, the biggest since crisis measures taken in 2008 as the economy collapsed into the Great Recession.

But the cut is also the most politically-charged action taken in recent history by the interest-rate setting body—because former president Donald Trump had repeatedly demanded that it keep interest rates stable before the election. He and his aides think a cut in the cost of borrowing would benefit Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign by convincing people that the economy is strong and by reducing concerns over inflation.

  Daily Beast
Sure, fuck with the economy so he can win. Avoid passing meaningful immigration legislation so he can win. Anything and everything is at risk if it means he can win.
The Fed, under chairman Jerome Powell—a Trump appointee who the former president has since publicly repudiated—voted for the cut after months of falling inflation reports and a slow-down in jobs growth. Economists believe that if they had not acted, high interest rates would have increased the chances of a recession.
...but hey, do what you will anyway.

UPDATE 07:26 pm:  If Trump didn't want it to happen, THEY didn't want it to happen.  

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