Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Another (unreliable) Trump

Former president Donald Trump promoted his family’s new cryptocurrency project Monday during a disorganized livestream short on details and even shorter on actual mentions of cryptocurrency, but the Trump clan’s supposed top “DeFi visionary” ghosted on the affair.

Trump’s youngest son Barron, 18, was nowhere to be found when it came time for him to speak, some two hours into the meandering promotional for World Liberty Financial, which even Trump’s crypto sector allies reportedly think is a stupid idea.


“Damned teenagers,” joked Trump’s eldest child, 46-year-old Donald Jr., who sat in on the livestream along with his 40-year-old brother, Eric.


Among the Trump family members listed on the company’s team are Don Jr. and Eric, both “Web3 Ambassadors,” while their father is “Chief Crypto Advocate.” The most revered title of “DeFi Visionary” is reserved for Barron.

  Daily Beast
Oh sure. If the kid had any vision, he'd change his name and move overseas.

Also, Don Sr is called "Chief Crypto Advocate". What that means is he hawks the scheme. He certainly doesn't know how cryptocurrency works, and I'm skeptical any of his spawn do either.
According to Bloomberg, the dealmaker behind the crypto project is Chase Herro—a man who once described himself as “the dirtbag of the internet.”
How fitting.
“You can literally sell s--t in a can, wrapped in p--s, covered in human skin, for a billion dollars if the story’s right, because people will buy it,” Herro said of the crypto space in one 2018 video.
Yes. Trump has been doing it all his life.
While Barron, the family “visionary,” was nowhere to be found on the launch livestream, a rambling Donald Trump—who compared understanding cryptocurrency to his “beautiful granddaughter” Arabella learning Chinese from a nanny—nevertheless found time to praise his son’s supposed genius.

“Barron knows so much about this, Barron’s a young guy, but he knows,” said the proud father. “He talks about his wallet, he’s got four wallets or something, and I’ll say ‘what is a wallet?’” (A cryptocurrency wallet is a device or program that stores keys that allow users to access their coins and perform transactions, he surely explains.)
Maybe. At least he has four.  That must mean something.
“Crypto is one of those things we have to do,” Trump said during the livestream. “Whether we like it or not, I have to do it.”

...but hey, do what you want...you will anyway.

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