Friday, January 26, 2024

Trump at closing arguments as it happened

His instructions were that Trump's guilt was already decided in a previous trial and they are not to try to relitigate that question.

I would have loved it if someone had pulled out this photo right then:

Really?  Five hours?  MAGAts are still learning about what he said several days later.  I'd give it five days at least.

(Inner City Press says Trump posts on Truth Social are taking place while he's here in the courtroom.  I'm guessing he's got one of his lackeys posting shit.)

When she sticks to the rules, Habba makes decent points.  She probably should have steered clear of objectional claims that got her in trouble with the judge.  But I guess that depends on the jury.

Well, she's a Trump lawyer.

His two things: "You can be wrecked inside but also have moments of triumph."

Habba tried to dismiss the plaintiff's expert witness' assessment of damage reparations.  She laughed at the expert noting that only Trump's supporters believed him ("Duh!" she snarked) and that reparation of Carroll's reputation could be effected by Joe Rogan and Candace Owens. ("What planet is she living on?") This is Crowley's response:

Say what, Judge?  I hope he clears that up in jury instructions.

"When you're a star, they let you do it."

$7.3M general damages, $11M reputational repair, $65M punitive damages.  Unanimous decision.

It's not going to be enough to stop him.*  And I assume they'll appeal the verdict anyway.

This is in addition to $5 million awarded at the original trial for sexual abuse.  I have a feeling she'll have a hard time collecting any of it.  


"And the Republican Party" ???  And...what does Biden have to do with a private citizen's lawsuit?

Pretty much what you'd say to a mob trial jury.**

UPDATE 01/27/2024:

UPDATE 01/29/2024:


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