Thursday, January 11, 2024

He was not to be denied

Here's the mistake in that thinking:  it doesn't matter what you do or don't do, Trump is going to whine and grift on it.

So, somebody gets it.

They were too stupid to know?  I guess that could fly.

All he has to do is write it down.  He already knows what it is.
The court stared more or less impassively as Trump rambled on. When told the allotted time was up, Trump stormed out, content that he’d gotten his mic drop and won another news cycle. He then held a news conference and whined some more.

But his little stunt won’t help him with the court as it deliberates on the $370 million fine requested by the AG. If anything, it will be cited as evidence of Trump’s continuing refusal to take responsibility for his crimes and likelihood of repeating them if allowed to retain control of his real estate holdings. And if so, that will be some very expensive trolling.

  Public Notice
A complete and concise summary of the entire debacle is at Public Notice.  Read it here.

On the other hand...

I guess we'll see soon enough.

UPDATE 01/12/2024:

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