Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Mitch had another glitch

Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell appeared to have another possible medical episode on Wednesday, freezing for more than half a minute when questioned at an event in Kentucky.

Video footage showed McConnell, 81, trailing off and remaining silent after he was asked if he would seek re-election in 2026.

An aide then stepped in to ask the top Republican House lawmaker if he heard the question. She then informed reporters that the lawmaker would "need a minute."

He needs more than a minute. He needs to retire and seek serious medical attention.

(And Dianne Feinstein, too.)

And look how thin and frail he looks.  He can hardly walk on his own.


Pardon my lack of sympathy, but too bad this didn't happen to him 10 years ago. We might have had a chance to save democracy.

But this is madness - keeping those old, obviously feeble and mentally challenged politicians in office until they're on death's door.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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