Saturday, April 22, 2023

Another small bit of good news

We take what good news where we can..
President Joe Biden is taking a major step Friday toward fulfilling his promises to tackle the pollution afflicting low-income and minority communities.


His actions include issuing an executive order directing federal agencies to weigh the environmental burdens in already-overburdened communities before approving new projects that could threaten their air or water quality.


The new actions could become especially significant as Biden’s climate agenda pushes the implementation of a host of clean-energy projects that raise local pollution concerns, including mineral mines, battery factories and carbon dioxide pipelines.


Under current procedures, regulators typically assess pollution from new facilities or projects on a plant-by-plant basis rather than in conjunction with existing emissions from other sources.


By instructing agencies to research and incorporate new data on those cumulative impacts and involving communities early in the process, Biden marries two of the “four historic crises” he identified on the campaign trail in 2020: climate change and racial inequality.


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