Friday, April 21, 2023

No Fox Fee

Fox has only a fraction of TV cable news viewers compared to the number who do not watch Fox and don't want to pay for it on their cable bill. The difference is that every time Fox renegotiates their cable fees, they have their viewers call their cable company to keep it. You can call your cable company to drop it, or at least not charge you more for it. Right now, Fox gets around $2.18 per subscriber and is negotiating to raise it to $3. (They have to recoup lawsuit settlements this way because advertisers have quit them over their lies.) At you can find out when your cable company is in negotiations with Fox and get the phone number to call, or a link to message them demanding to be free of the "Fox fee." Those lawsuits against them these days are not going to stop Fox from lying to its customers and stoking hate and division. With the rate increase they're trying to get, they'll be raking in almost $2 billion a year in cable carriage fees. Only being dropped from cable lineups can pressure them with any effect.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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