Thursday, February 16, 2023

Executive order to address racial inequity

The Further Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government is designed to address systemic barriers that hold communities of color back from prospering.

The order is Biden’s second racial equity executive order.


Biden’s new order builds on Executive Order 13985 by establishing a new annual process requiring agencies to create an annual public Equity Action Plan.

These plans will assess barriers underserved communities face and offer solutions for access to policies and programs. There will also be leaders assigned to ensure agencies are in compliance with the equity mandate.


Agencies will be required to investigate and address any algorithmic discrimination in technology services, improve accessibility for people with disabilities, and improve language access services.

The order will also require federal agencies to improve the frequency of their community engagement — including consulting with communities as each agency develops its Equity Action Plan, funding opportunities, budget proposals and regulations.


Biden’s order also instructs agencies to work with rural communities to help access federal resources for projects that build community wealth, as well as placing a renewed focus on providing funding for minority small-owned businesses.

  The Hill

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