Friday, October 28, 2022

Political carnage with GOP in power

While Democrats play silly buggers around the stakes in November, Republicans, who have been trying to shrink government to the point that you could “drown it in the bathtub” for decades, can now see the possibility to do just that at their fingertips.  So, they're going for it.  You think England is in the shitter since voting for Brexit?  You're right.  And that's what we have to look forward to if the GOP takes control of our government.  They'll shrink it.  And the Red States that are clamboring for that outcome will be the foremost losers when there's no federal government to allot them shares of Blue State taxes and to protect them from corporate greed and loss of health, privacy, and even water rights that are certain to follow.

Brian Lehrer discusses this - specifically, the right's desire for a new constitution - with ex-Senator Ron Feingold, who was one of the early casualties of Republican voters being too blind to fucking see where they're actually headed.  Have a listen.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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