Saturday, February 5, 2022

Something, somoething, cancel culture

A parent earlier this week demanded the book, “Michelle Obama: Political Icon,” by Heather E. Schwartz, be removed from Katy Independent School District libraries, alleging it "unfairly" paints former President Trump as a "bully" and makes white girls feel ashamed of themselves.

The book is among at least 86 titles challenged by parents in Texas this year, according to a NBC News tally, with most of them centered around race, sexuality or gender.

  The Hill
If "a parent" is female, I know one white girl who SHOULD be ashamed of herself.
The parent in their complaint said they believed the book was written to indoctrinate children into "the leftist movement with a negatively slanted view of another president," and taught "reverse racism” by “wanting young white girls to believe that the way they talk is a culturally unacceptable way in today's society."
The way they talk?

Also, the other president is Trump, of course.
A spokesperson for the Katy Independent School District told Changing America that the book was never a candidate for removal.

"The inquiry cited was submitted by one parent of the over 89,500 children the school district serves," Katy ISD Communications Manager Maria Corrales DiPetta wrote in an email. "Contrary to suggestive media reports, the book was never considered for removal, nor removed at any point, from District libraries."
...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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